12 02 13. Two sets of stats
as I was curious! in 53.05 mins I cycled 11.68 miles with a max speed
of 21.9 and a rolling average of 13.2 I have clearly speeded up a
weensy jot - probably after trying to keep up with Evey Allsopp, TJ
Alexander and Topcat1! The overall stats were 20.78 miles with an
average of 11.9 in 1.44hrs.
The words of my physiotherapist were ringing in my ears
this morning, so I did my exercises litigiously. Her words of warning
yesterday were unfounded - nothing hurt (no more than normal) so I
headed outside. After all it was three whole degrees!
I did three laps
of the park. The trees were having a bit of a laugh because as I rode
under them they dumped the snowflakes they had saved from yesterday on
top of me.
I carried on. It was cold but fun to be out -
every time I go to Hyde Park I see something I haven't noticed before.
post box! Royal Mail? I pootled down Rotten Row and headed to
Kensington Palace Gardens and Millionaires Row. There are some big
houses up there!
Just as I was minding my own business, I
stood up on the pedals and there was a searing shot of pain through my
right leg. Oh Yikes! This was followed by much swearing about ruddy
I sat down, pedalled gently around and about
a bit and headed home via the chemist. Hip Flexor Stretches shortly so
that I can kick ass the next time I see the ruddy physio!
5 Miles can seem a long way in the beginning but after a few times it's amazing how much easier it becomes. I aim to do at least 10 a day if I can. Everyday is different apart from the grin on my face which is huge! The 5 Mile Cyclist (which is a hidden pun on Smile) combines My Cycling Log (Mice) and thoughts and ramblings on what I see and how much fun it is. Riding a bike does not mean having to change your wardrobe whether it's to the shops, cinema, work or out with friends.
About Me

- 5 Mile Cyclist
- Whether it's five miles or five hundred miles, riding a bicycle is more fun than anyone ever told me! My New Year's Resolution to cycle 10 miles a day or 40 minutes on a spin bike has meant that by the end of May I have cycled 2,600 miles! Because of my cycling wardrobe the weather has not stopped me from cycling (unless it really is -5 degrees or with wind gusts of 25 mph). Cycling in style and in comfort is really important to me as I don't really want to be covered in logos looking like a Ninja as I buy groceries or attend meetings. I have found some things that work for me but am always looking for new pieces. For me, Evans Cycles and Cycle Surgery for the basics. My two favourite brands for my wardrobe are www.velorution.com and www.velovixen.com but I am always looking for new pieces. I would love to know what works for you and why. Happy cycling!
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