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Whether it's five miles or five hundred miles, riding a bicycle is more fun than anyone ever told me! My New Year's Resolution to cycle 10 miles a day or 40 minutes on a spin bike has meant that by the end of May I have cycled 2,600 miles! Because of my cycling wardrobe the weather has not stopped me from cycling (unless it really is -5 degrees or with wind gusts of 25 mph). Cycling in style and in comfort is really important to me as I don't really want to be covered in logos looking like a Ninja as I buy groceries or attend meetings. I have found some things that work for me but am always looking for new pieces. For me, Evans Cycles and Cycle Surgery for the basics. My two favourite brands for my wardrobe are www.velorution.com and www.velovixen.com but I am always looking for new pieces. I would love to know what works for you and why. Happy cycling!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Fuelled by Porridge not Petrol

Mice Log Star Date 99. A pootle around the West End including Hyde Park.  18.35 miles, 11.7mph average speed, 21.3 max in 1hr 23. On the Marin.

My how things change!  For a zillion years I have been a car owner and for the past 10 a Vespa as well.  It never entered my head that I could exist without petrol-fuelled engines.  London, Scotland, France - I have driven to all of them in the car keeping the Vespa for local London trips.   
 Over recent years, the cost of filling the car has gone from £30 to £70 and the scooter from £4 to £9. But there was no alternative (thought I!).  Then three years ago I was introduced to cycling by a friend.  
Last year my car sat outside, unused, for three months. That was a bit of a hint so I got rid of it. I cashed in the tax disc, the parking permit and the insurance policy.  I have no idea how much I have saved in petrol.  Meanwhile the scooter has sat outside unused since early December 2012.  The time has come to get rid of it. So for the first time in my adult life I shall be powered by porridge, not petrol.  And I can't wait! 
And if the last three years are anything to go by there should be a bit of this,


and lots of this!

I love riding my bike!

Ode to the Road on 8th April 2013

@30daysofbiking 10.69 miles to Little Venice. 
This was my day 8 # 30daysofbiking but for a fellow cyclist it was their last.  What a shocking loss of life.  There has to be an effective way of stopping this tragedy.
I am putting a poem I wrote here. 
Ode to the Road by Lucy Frith  
Lights at amber,  the driver's ready
The car is in gear, he holds it steady
On two wheels at the Advanced Stop Line 
Commuting cyclists bide their time
They hear the engine revving  at full throttle
Let's hope they  keep both their balance and their bottle

Balance and bad weather, wet roads and drizzly rain
These are constant hazards needing riders to ascertain.
Strong winds, deep puddles, wet paint and misty visors
Along with the possibility of pedestrians surprises
Whether with or without engines, two wheeled machines alike
Should prompt a conscious and frequent thought "Please Think Bike".

Broken glass and sharp stones brings the puncture fairy
Losing air in tyres when on the move is very scary
Oooh! There's a pothole more like a cave
"Thanks for the space mate" as I give the car a wave
Swerving outwards the gap was quite sufficient
"Thank you driver for being so proficient"

Drivers of large vehicles, lorries and the like
Never seem to see the viewpoint of the road from a bike
High up in their cabins these drivers should know
What is all around them - but with blind spots that's not so
And no amount of mirrors, cameras or hindsight
Will show two-wheeled travellers tucked alongside tight.

They remain big, dangerous and far too close for comfort
The three feet rule should be extended not extinguished  - there's a thought
But  their turning curve is a learning curve to all of us near it
They have to pull out one way to turn and avoid the pavement
So on two wheels keep your distance, well back or far ahead
The devastating results of neither - well, enough said.

Pedestrians on pavements in their own distracted state
Eyeing shop windows, lists and reviewing what they ate
Immersed in talk and texts and tasks and things they think they need
Without a clue of those using the road all travelling at speed
Head down, eyes wide shut  they are so busy talking
Not a thought to the effect and danger of their impromptu walking.  

The road is enticing but not to be predicted 
Please share it well and stop bad things being inflicted
Whether on wheels or on foot  it is something that we share
Whatever mode you use, do look around you, be aware 
Enjoy each trip, look out for others with kindness and with care
Because it is full of loved ones absolutely everywhere.

(c) Lucy Frith April 2013