@30daysofbiking Day 23. 18.10 miles, 8.9mph
average speed, 17.8 mph max! Sunny
cloudless skies, parks packed with peeps, 17 degrees warm and then some really abysmal
private minicab was so close to me I thought he was trying to give me a
lift. Absolutely shocking.
I don't think I have seen quite so many cyclists jumping red lights. What is that about? Why oh Why?
Is it that they don't drive so they don't know the highway code or is it
that it doesn't apply to them? It is
such a dangerous thing to do. Red light
jumping by cyclists is matched by drivers using their mobiles. Both really selfish things to do.
from that - it was a lovely day for a pootle about London. The Brooks saddle is
still comfortable and I now have some polish for it!
for the weather let's hope it's not the only sunny day of the year....!