About Me

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Whether it's five miles or five hundred miles, riding a bicycle is more fun than anyone ever told me! My New Year's Resolution to cycle 10 miles a day or 40 minutes on a spin bike has meant that by the end of May I have cycled 2,600 miles! Because of my cycling wardrobe the weather has not stopped me from cycling (unless it really is -5 degrees or with wind gusts of 25 mph). Cycling in style and in comfort is really important to me as I don't really want to be covered in logos looking like a Ninja as I buy groceries or attend meetings. I have found some things that work for me but am always looking for new pieces. For me, Evans Cycles and Cycle Surgery for the basics. My two favourite brands for my wardrobe are www.velorution.com and www.velovixen.com but I am always looking for new pieces. I would love to know what works for you and why. Happy cycling!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Mice Log Star Date 109 The Return to the Lidl

#30daysofbiking. Day 19. Mice log 109! On the Brommie.  10.5 miles, top speed 15.5 all over the place!

At the request of a couple of friends I headed back to Lidl!!  On the way I saw the most diabolical driving by this truck. They should know better.  All the way down the road they were completely oblivious to both the cycle lane and indeed me. 

I took this pic at the red lights and should say that the only reason they are no longer in the cycling lane is because they are turning left (and have therefore pulled  to the right in order to allow them to make the left turn).  Yes they are indicating but they could have wiped out several cyclists before then. A shocking piece of driving by supposedly professional drivers.

Onto and into Lidl - the courier/pannier bag is a bargain at £9 as is the rack.  I couldn't help myself - I bought a courier/pannier bag for me too! So much for no more luggage!

 And no rain or hailstones today - huzzzaaaaaaaah!!