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Whether it's five miles or five hundred miles, riding a bicycle is more fun than anyone ever told me! My New Year's Resolution to cycle 10 miles a day or 40 minutes on a spin bike has meant that by the end of May I have cycled 2,600 miles! Because of my cycling wardrobe the weather has not stopped me from cycling (unless it really is -5 degrees or with wind gusts of 25 mph). Cycling in style and in comfort is really important to me as I don't really want to be covered in logos looking like a Ninja as I buy groceries or attend meetings. I have found some things that work for me but am always looking for new pieces. For me, Evans Cycles and Cycle Surgery for the basics. My two favourite brands for my wardrobe are www.velorution.com and www.velovixen.com but I am always looking for new pieces. I would love to know what works for you and why. Happy cycling!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Mice Log 60

Wow it's The Ides of March! A Pootle to a Party via Islington.  01.03.13. 17.03 miles, 9.7mph average speed, 20.5mph max, in 1hr 47 on the Brommie!

I hate being late. Hate it! I will often arrive at a destination 45 minutes early to ensure I am on time.    

It's a trait I have inherited from my father who if he had his way would leave the day before for a party at the neighbours to ensure he arrived on time! Luckily my mother is brilliantly five minutes late for everything so between the two of them there is an (almost) acceptable compromise!

Today however I took my eye off the ball - or the clock - and was so engrossed in admin that in order to be at a meeting in Islington on time I had to pedal like the wind and not stop and take one single photograph.

If I had left earlier I would have taken a photo of: the Barclays Bike plate leaning against a fence implying an incident of attempted theft or even an accident (hopefully the former, obviously): the No 38 bus that overtook me so fast only to do an emergency stop in front of me 10 yards later;  the traffic light man who was busy chatting to his boss reporting that the temporary traffic lights weren't working and he couldn't fix them (well that made me laugh!).

Thankfully I arrived in time for the meeting - just as the others were being ushered into the lift! Perfect. Afterwards we left together and I should have retrieved my camera as one of my colleagues did something I have never, ever seen before.  Track standing with no hands! No hands!! Awesome!

I pedalled south and arrived in Trafalgar Square at 6.50pm on my way to a Birthday Party in Clapham. 

 The CS's (Boris and his Blue Paint Cycling Superhighways) are not things I use in rush hour. I don't like their narrowness, their drain covers, broken glass, litter, the close passes and the undertaking by other cyclists, the fact that traffic doesn't know what to do at junctions and the fact that large vehicles may have their wheels outside of the paint (just) but their wing-mirrors clearly are and can quite easily whack you on the head. 

So rather than head over Westminster Bridge I chose Vauxhall Bridge instead.  What a mistake! Trying to work out where to cycle to head to Clapham - which lane - was a complete mystery.  Luckily a kind cyclist in the ASL removed his headphones and gave me guidance.  It was pretty hairy tho' as moving across two lanes of traffic both of which are speeding towards green lights is not my idea of fun.

The other side of the Clapham Road I passed an awful accident where a large part of a car was on the side of the road - it was so big that at first glance I thought it was a motorbike.  But it wasn't, it was definitely a car part.

As I neared the Party Pub I heard my name being shouted down the street so turned round and accompanied friends to what was to be a really, really great night.   Fabulous peeps. Some of whom had cycled there too.  This basket was on a brommie. Very pretty!


Giggles galore, Shepherds Pie and Prosecco with friends who had travelled afar from Brighton, Luton, Northampton, Portsmouth, Wales and even some from Wandsworth!  

                                       Shepherd's Pie!

The absence of some were noted and glasses were raised - it was a fine night indeed. 

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