5 Miles can seem a long way in the beginning but after a few times it's amazing how much easier it becomes. I aim to do at least 10 a day if I can. Everyday is different apart from the grin on my face which is huge! The 5 Mile Cyclist (which is a hidden pun on Smile) combines My Cycling Log (Mice) and thoughts and ramblings on what I see and how much fun it is. Riding a bike does not mean having to change your wardrobe whether it's to the shops, cinema, work or out with friends.
About Me

- 5 Mile Cyclist
- Whether it's five miles or five hundred miles, riding a bicycle is more fun than anyone ever told me! My New Year's Resolution to cycle 10 miles a day or 40 minutes on a spin bike has meant that by the end of May I have cycled 2,600 miles! Because of my cycling wardrobe the weather has not stopped me from cycling (unless it really is -5 degrees or with wind gusts of 25 mph). Cycling in style and in comfort is really important to me as I don't really want to be covered in logos looking like a Ninja as I buy groceries or attend meetings. I have found some things that work for me but am always looking for new pieces. For me, Evans Cycles and Cycle Surgery for the basics. My two favourite brands for my wardrobe are www.velorution.com and www.velovixen.com but I am always looking for new pieces. I would love to know what works for you and why. Happy cycling!
Monday, 24 March 2014
The 5mile Cycling is Still Smiling but has moved!
Thank you for reading my blog - I have now moved to a new home here:
I hope you like it!
Monday, 3 March 2014
2012......As the group gathered in the darkness,
As the group gathered in the darkness, their numbers growing larger and larger as we neared midnight, I couldn't help noticing the collection of rather smaller bicycles with even smaller wheels that were joining us.
Such unusual geometry, each one a different colour, their owners were bizaarly smiling despite the fact that ahead of us were 50 miles to Southend, cycling through the night on their near Lillipudlianesque wheels. As I stared in awe at the eclectic collection and enthusiasm of their owners I couldn't help wondering whether these unusual looking machines would actually make it to the end of the ride.....
Ha! How wrong can a girl be?! 50 hilarious miles later a lot had been learned. These very individual bicycles go like the wind - there may be an increase in cadence but my goodness they go!
Since that ride, I too have become a very, very
happy Brompton owner (is there any other kind?) Their quirky design, the
ability to tailor them to a configuration of your choice has allowed me to join
the (absolutely genius) fold and taken part in many magical miles.
I may not be the strongest cyclist (by quite a long
way) but on a road bike I have ridden to Scotland, Paris, up Ditchling Beacon
and an Alp. And whilst I was busy spinning with my 21 gears, fellow Bromptonites
were just reaching the summits as though they were a walk in the park!
This year so far I have cycled over 1000 Brommie (mainly flat) miles, attended a Brompton Book Launch, a Brompton Maintenance Course and ridden my Brommie to the top of Highgate Hill!
And I have become a bit of a fan of Brompton Junction in Covent Garden.
This year so far I have cycled over 1000 Brommie (mainly flat) miles, attended a Brompton Book Launch, a Brompton Maintenance Course and ridden my Brommie to the top of Highgate Hill!
And I have become a bit of a fan of Brompton Junction in Covent Garden.
As you walk in the door it's a bit like walking
into a man's shirt shop. Pinks for example. Except the storage shelves are a
bit bigger and there are rows and rows of Bromptons. Or is it more like a sweet
shop? Or Apple perhaps (I've said that before!) The large table that looks like
a game of Pacman is actually where you can build your virtual Brompton.
Everything Brompton do is to the highest standard,
their customer service is second to none, they apply the same level of thought
to their Cafe as they do their bicycles - their treacle tart is delicious as
indeed is their lemon and ginger carrot cake (although neither are necessarily
made for sharing)!!
So for me, anything hosted by them is always worth
signing up for and even if they aren't hosting anything I highly recommend a
visit anyway!
Back in January I found myself at a Brompton Book
Launch. The book Brompton Bicycle 2nd Edition by David Henshaw is a
fascinating insight into how the Brompton came about. I knew nothing
about the first edition or indeed the author so when a group of us arrived at
the store, heading straight downstairs for huzzzahhhh, treacle tart and pots of
tea - we didn't realise that we had actually walked straight past the
author! (So sorry!)
Half an hour or so of tea and chitchat later we all gathered on the ground floor where we enjoyed a presentation about the history of this marvellous machine that is now an international star in the world of transport, leisure and, quite frankly, fun.
Half an hour or so of tea and chitchat later we all gathered on the ground floor where we enjoyed a presentation about the history of this marvellous machine that is now an international star in the world of transport, leisure and, quite frankly, fun.
Indeed, David Henshaw's talk was fascinating. As the author of A-B magazine which specialised in folding bikes, it is very clear that Brompton has become a worldwide and iconic bicycle not just because of its design but because of the passion and belief of its creator Andrew Ritchie. Despite several knock backs, Andrew just persisted. If a door closed he would find another road, pushing boundaries until solutions were found.
This enthusiasm seems to resonate through Brompton
owners around the globe who are as passionate about their Bromptons as Andrew
which I am sure is why it is more of a world wide club than anything else - in
any other organization it would be a customer base.
The Brompton World Championships 2013, folding
competitions, The IG Nocturne, the amazing places we ride to we are all so enthusiastic about
our Bromptons and having read the book and been at this presentation a little
bit of the Brompton magic became clear. I won't spoil it by giving any more
away but it is a real example of believing in your product, setting your
standards high without dropping them and a bucket load of that basic ingredient
- real hard graft. A very humbling and enlightening read.
Several bicycle rides later, I was back at Brompton
Junction attending a maintenance course. It shames me to say it but when I
first got my Brommie a couple of years ago I actually paid Action Bikes in
Victoria to show me how to remove the back wheel.
The way the built-in
screwdriver thingy for the hub works is genius. Needless to say I have only had
to remove the back wheel once since so had pretty much forgotten how to do it.
To be shown again, with added tips as to how to do it Bromptonwise was
extremely helpful. And I never knew about the end of the thingy having to be in
the centre of the little carre, nor that you should do this in a high gear.
I also never knew that because of the fold, the back wheel actually sits
closer to the chain side of the frame than the other. I made some notes...
- · Untwist the tensioner
- · Unscrew the indicator chain and it comes out
- · Use a spanner to undo the nut and the washer
- · Loosen both the nuts but don't undo them
- · Loosen the anti rotation washer
- · Remove wheel and repair!
- · (I always use a cloth/rag to check tyre for sharp bits, never my hand)
- · The anti rotation washer has to go in a special way and helpfully has the word Top written on it (engage brain the5milecyclist if you have turned your bike upside down - d'oh!!)
- · The claws go inwards into holes on the dropouts
- · Don't fully inflate tyre until it's back on the Brommie!
- · Put the name of the tyre over the valve hole
- · Tighten up both nuts
In fact, I have a list of other things I didn't
- · Pull the chain (literally) to see whether it has stretched (much better than a chain gauge)
- · Don't over tighten the seat post
- · If the hinges become stiff, spray them with WD40
- · Keep your Brompton clean!
- · Use Multipurpose cleaner for the seat post, not grease or lube
- · Clean your wheels
- · Inspect wear on brake pads, clean with multi spray
If you use your Brompton daily, oil the chain every
fortnight and if it's wet weather, every week. To do this, lightly lube the
chain turning the pedals and wipe the excess away with a rag. The target is the
chain rollers, not the little plates on the outside which will attract dirt.
Keep your Brompton clean!
(NB Please note that there may be errors in my notes - for advice on maintaining your Brommie please contact your local bike shop or indeed Brompton!!)
(NB Please note that there may be errors in my notes - for advice on maintaining your Brommie please contact your local bike shop or indeed Brompton!!)
Needless to say, since the maintenance class I have been remiss in
looking after my Brommie! The hinge had become so stiff that it reached the
stage I couldn't fold it, the brakes were being inefficient and there was a
Treacle Tart deficit in my diet!
Being just after Valentine's Day, there was also a Love your Brommie
weekend so after a 10 mile ride around a very windy London I looped over London
Bridge and headed for Covent Garden. I was extremely sorry to hear from a
policewoman at a closed High Holborn that the gale force winds the night before
had destroyed some balustrade on a building which had tragically landed,
literally, on a parked car killing the driver and seriously injuring the
passengers. A real reminder of the fragility of life and how lucky we all are
to be here. My thoughts are with the loved ones so affected by this loss of
I headed on to Covent Garden and noticed two
Bromptonites in very hi-viz yellow jackets and bag covers, taking photographs
of London life. They later arrived at the Junction for tea - apparently heading
for Amsterdam in a couple of weeks.
Nev - one of the fab Brompton Mechanics - took
charge of my Brommie, sorted out the hinge, replaced a brake pad or two and
fitted the new brake levers. What a difference they make! They don't wobble and
wiggle like the other ones and they have Brompton logos on the inside of the
levers. Another fine example of the level of detail in the House of Brompton.
Whilst Bromptonites continue to push their pedals
around the world, Brompton continues to push the envelope in what it does.
Whatever it does next - I much look forward to it and in the meantime I'll just keep riding my Brommie (and if I happen to find myself feeling hungry or thirsty in Covent Garden I know where I will stop)!
Whatever it does next - I much look forward to it and in the meantime I'll just keep riding my Brommie (and if I happen to find myself feeling hungry or thirsty in Covent Garden I know where I will stop)!
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